The responsibilities of the Education Ministry are:
Recruit, train and assist Sunday School teachers.
Review curriculum and acquire if needed.
Appoint Sunday School Secretary.
Organize Library Story Time program.
Organize Summer Reading program.
Yearly recognition of our high school and college graduates.
Organize Smarter Than a Sunday School 5th Grader.
Promote Sunday School.
Provide a list of training material for ministry team leaders.
Library upkeep and promotion of using the library
Maintain tapes of services and/or programs
Maintain books, cd, and historical pictures.
Responsibilities of Sunday School Secretary:
Distribute attendance folders
Collect the attendance folders
Count Sunday school offering
Turns offering over to finance ministry or treasurer
List attendance totals and offering totals in Annual Register
Put out Look Out’s and Christian Standard’s
Time commitment:
Education Ministry meets once a month. Members are expected to help with responsibilities of the ministry.